March film preview

We're well into the first quarter of 2019 now and on the cusp of spring, summer film season is right around the corner and we're set for some major releases in the next 2-3 months but let's not get too ahead of ourselves now as we focus on what's out next month in March. (US … Continue reading March film preview

3 current film trends that are getting a bit overdone

Film is a funny old industry, it's a business ultimately and follows trends that are successful and popular, filmmakers may make films at similar times that seem to follow each others themes or tropes. Maybe sometimes completely coincidentally but the notion that people that make your favourite films follow trends definitely isn't that controversial. Anyway … Continue reading 3 current film trends that are getting a bit overdone

The Umbrella Academy – review

Netflix seems to have again struck gold once again with a new original show adapted by Jeremy Slater and based on a Dark Horse comic book series created by Gerard Way and artist Gabriel Ba. The immediate comparisons drawn are of course to the upcoming Doom Patrol on DCs streaming service and X-Men but Umbrella Academy is far and away its … Continue reading The Umbrella Academy – review

What exactly is happening with the DC cinematic universe?

The worlds of DC (I guess that's the official name for it now) is a fractured, confusing place, with some continuity but a mixture of upcoming releases, no official actor playing Batman either as Ben Affleck has recently dropped and maybe no Superman? As Henry Cavill is maybe out but he is also definitely playing … Continue reading What exactly is happening with the DC cinematic universe?